Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So this week I guess you can say I've been very unmotivated to do anything that involves school. You might think that might not be out of the ordinary but really it is. As Kristen has said before, we're past the point of either having homework or not. At any given time there is something that I could be working on. Last night I thought things might not be good when I went to the movies (had to see a grownup flic after I braved Igor Friday) instead of going to the library and then came home and surfed the net instead of looking up spelling lesson ideas. Things really go bad this morning when I got out of the shower and bravely decided that I would skip class. I sent Kristen a text to relay a message to the teacher about my throat hurting (which is somewhat true) and packed up my load of dirty clothes and came to Christina's to wash. Her and Savannah are now off for adventures in Longview and I have a good 45 min of peace and quiet before I have to be at class yet find myself in the depths of this blog instead of the dreaded spelling lesson search. I have to have 10 by Friday. I have none. I will now share with those interested the top things that have been more important this week than spelling lessons-

-Wal Mart with my mom. She bought me shorts and tub to put my recyclable garbage in
-Walking around the mall with mom. Marhsall Mall- shouldn't have taken long but it did
-Riding to the store with Cort. I'm a good friend.
-Finishing a bottle of wine. It had to be finished.
-Sleeping. It was 2 am. Enough said
-Taking my car to get brake pads. People on sidewalks would run in fear as I passed and tapped the brakes. It was bad.
-Taking a nap. See 21.
-Work. I'm broke.
-Planning crafts for the kids while they napped. This is very important.
-Babysitting Connor. You can't properly monitor the needs of a toddler and do homework at the same time.
-Going to the movies. It is important to spend quality time with your roommates when their boyfriends are coaching football.
-Grocery shopping. I started Weight Watchers back this week and it is important to have plenty of low point items on hand.
-Eating dinner. I was starving after the movie.
-Looking up info on the Cross Canadian Ragweed concert in Shreveport Saturday night
-Playing a new song I heard for Chelsea
-Watching the end of my Sex and the City DVD. Today is rent one get one free day so I must return to Blockbuster for new episodes.
-Texting Paul. He's sweet.
-Sleeping. I just love it so.
-Laundry. I was running out of undershirts
-Playing dress up with Savannah.
-Talking to Christina
-Last but not least- blogging this. The end.

Friday, September 19, 2008


(Disclaimer- If you plan to see Igor you may or may not want to read too much into this. Just so you know, I give the end away! Sorry!)

This evening I was honored to accompany Henry and Caroline to see Igor. We watched the trailer online and figured it looked like a safe bet for our movie night outing. We get to the theater after the lights were turned off and shuffle through the trail of late comers many of which attempted to guide 4 kids while carrying 2 large popcorns, and an abundance of candy, pickles and drinks. It didn't take long for me to think that we might should have checked some reviews on ol' Igor a little more closely. The move was dark and the characters were violent and rude. The main character was a little hunchback guy named Igor and he was from a group of people they actually called Igors who were assistants to the evil scientists that ran this evil city. The Igors were treated terribly- talked down to, hit, pushed around, no time off, etc. This continued through out the move and I'll admit I zoned out and played on my Palm for a while before I got to thinking that I really should look for a teachable moment in all of this madness. As the plot started to close in, the moment I longed for came flying at me. Earlier in the movie Igor created a person who he intended to be evil but for whatever reason her "evil bone" didn't work and she turned out to be very kind. The climax of the story was a quote from Igor- "we all have an evil bone but it's up to us if we use it or not." Perfect! Thats what I would talk to the kids about! We did have a short talk in the car but after a little fun at the concert downtown I felt it was all kind of pushed under the rug. We went to the movie, talked about it later, played downtown, the end. We got home and in regular bed time routine opened up the ABC Devotions for Kids book. Tonight was page K- Keep your tounge from evil. Ps 34:13. God works in amazing ways. After reading the story in the book and a lengthy conversation about what it meant the kids eyes lit up and I could see the wheels turning making a spiritual connection to what I thought was a terrible inappropriate move. Thank the Lord for using secular movies to work in the hearts of the babies that I love so dearly!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Peaceful Days and Memories

What a relief it is to have a day off after such a stressful and crazy weekend. Friday we watched Ike approach the coast all day and enjoyed the cool breeze he brought at the Mavs game as we wore our rain jackets protecting up from the drizzly showers that came and went all night. After the game Chelsea went out with friends as I went back to our room, pulled the mattress out of my room and into the living room floor. I fell asleep as Ike's surges washed over Galveston. As I woke Saturday morning the trees were already swaying outside and rain greeted me as I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things for us to survive on as it was evident that our electricity situation was looking grim. Around 2:00 I talked to my mom, who had been without power for going on 3 hrs, and made the comment "I don't know how we still have power." We lost it within the hour. So much for wishful thinking. The worst of the storm was upon Marshall and word spread quickly that things weren't looking so good. During a slight break from the wind Samantha and I decided to risk it all and go across town to Matt's house where the power was still out and the storm was still rough but we would be among friends. We weathered the storm there for the night playing games, talking and enjoying the cool night air. Sunday brought sun shine and Sam and I decided that we had a small window of time to gather our groceries that were still slightly cool and rush them out to my parents generated powered refrigerator. Mom treated us to a left over hamburger and we saw our first glimpses of post Ike Galveston.
As a child it was the highlight of our summers to go to the beach. We rented a beach house on Bolivar Peninsula at Gilchrist. Some days we would be the only ones on the beach. Dad would fish, we would swim and in the afternoons we would ride down the road to the water slide. Usually on one night of our trip we would eat dinner at the Stingaree on the bay. We ate shrimp and key lime pie as the tug boats pushed barges down the Intercoastal Waterway. It was all glorious, no cares in the world.
Sunday morning we watched tv and as the first pictures of our childhood beachfront wonderland flashed across the screen. Lydia and I were speechless as we stared at the tv and our eyes began to fill with tears. It was unbelievable. All gone. We later heard a rescue volunteer report that the community of Gilchrist was "wiped off the map."
As sad as I am I can't help but feel blessed and relieved. That house was just a getaway. We didn't own it and haven't been there in years. Our home is was untouched, we are safe, and the power is all back on. Unlike a house, our memories can't be washed away by a hurricane.
This week is off to a beautiful start. The sun is shining with no storms in sight. I shared a great movie with Kristen last night and have enjoyed a relaxing day off. We are so blessed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


What a great few days it's been since my last post! Last Friday I flew through my few classes, had an easy breezy day at work and headed out for a night with Chelsea. After a lovely meal at the lovely Marshall Chilis we ventured down to watch our first Mavs game as a coaches girl friend and coaches girl friend's roommate. We used our "Coaches Family" parking pass and parked at the field house and came in through the back gate where we found our seats. As we sat and the game begin we got to realizing that these seats were really good. We were shocked that such seats were handed out to the "family" of (no offense Matt) one of the lowest guys on the totem pole. As the game continued and we watched the half time entertainment I happened to glance behind me to see the rather large C on the press box marking the section of seats we had enjoyed all night. I looked at Chelsea confused, pointed out my discovery and realized that we were most definitely in the wrong section. We started to look around and notice that the seats we were originally assigned to were a ways down the bleachers in a very crowded area directly beside the student section. Needless to say we stayed put. Another home game this week and we're not looking as forward to our seating arrangements. Sometimes I wish we could just go on living in ignorance.
Saturday after watching too much tv, Chelsea and I drug ourselves up our of the living room and went to Longview for a while. We shopped a little and ate at a little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant called Gonzolos (on the loop right next to Hobby Lobby.) Mexican has to be our favorite cuisine and we try nearly every restaurant suggestion that we get. Not rushing back to this one but it was pretty good. After dinner we walked over to Ross, tried on some clothes and laughed at how small they were on us. We ended the night at Matt's where we enjoyed the beautiful weather and company of great friends out on the porch as Matt serenaded us with the guitar and our favorite tunes.
Sunday was promotion day for Sunday School. I have moved down to the assistant teacher for 1st and 2nd grade and a wonderful lady named Janie had stepped in to teach. With school starting I felt like I might not be able to put my all into preparing. We were so surprised, blessed and thankful when our little room began to fill up and we had 19 kids! Some were guests but we feel like we will have at least 12 on a regular basis. Exciting! Instead of the regular lesson we were entertained by a very energetic older lady who put on an really sweet puppet show for the kids. The kids loved it and us adults found ourselves laughing and singing along as well. Such a great refreshing break from the norm!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Such a full life

Ok before I get too far into this I want everyone to know that it is by pure coincidence that I write 2 blogs in 24 hrs in which a person or animal has died. I wanted to share this little message though. The owner of the company my dad works for passed away earlier this week. All I really knew about him was that he owned the company, it was successful and my dad has really enjoyed working there. Today both of my parents mentioned to me that I should read Mr. Lewis' obituary online that it was very interesting and that he wrote it himself. As I read I began thinking that I don't know that I have ever seen somebody with such experience in such a variety of things. My own grandparents are/were pretty well rounded and I am always encouraged by stories of their accomplishments but Mr. Lewis' story was very unique. Here's the link. Reading it should encourage everyone to live life to the fullest!

Ok so now for my day. After being awake for quite a while longer after I posted on here, I finally made it back to sleep only be woken at 6:30 to Ice Ice Baby blaring from my cell phone alarm. I hit snooze about 3 times, falling back into a dead sleep between each one, and finally getting up a little before 7. I got dressed, fixed my wild hair, threw on some makeup gathered my school things and breakfast and headed out to intern. I had contemplated driving myself instead of riding in the car pool group giving myself the opportunity to slip out after lunch to catch a few zzzz's before my 3:00 meeting. As we rushed to the car I decided to suck it up and ride with the girls which meant no way home until 2:30. The day went fast as we got ready for Grandparents Day celebrations and I had 2 time logs to write to keep me occupied. 2:30 came rather quickly and after making it through my meeting headed up to the room to change and go babysit the newest Miss LeeAnn kid. Lindsay Christmas is taking an evening class and has enlisted me to keep Conner every Tues and Thurs. We had the best time playing. We read some books, played in his car, and I laid on the floor and relaxed a bit while he played. Such as sweet baby. He's definitely a keeper. After grabbing a some dinner from the caff I headed to the room and lounged with the roomies for a while before coming out to the steps to take in this cooler night air and blog this little ditty. As for now I'm off to a relaxing bath, a glass of chocolate milk and my oh so snuggly bed. I look so very forward to a weekend that holds only relaxation!

In Memory....

So I'm blogging in the wee hours of the morning hoping to go back to sleep when I'm done. I was awaken earlier by my cell phone which isn't completely unheard of for 2:44 am but when I realized it was my sister calling I thought it was strange. I answered to find her tearfully telling me that her cat Precious had been attacked by the neighbors dogs. Her and Mom rushed her to the animal ER in Longview where they unsuccessfully tried to save her.
I'll have to admit that in my time at home I have provided many the negative comment about the dear cat as she found it necessary to sharpen her claws on my box spring or dump over a whole plastic cart full of clothes and jewelry. I actually looked through my entire computer picture collection and was unable to find a picture to post. All of that becomes irrelevant now as I hear my sister so heartbroken. My sadness for her is accompanied by anger and lack of understanding at our over the top white trash neighbors for finding it necessary to harbor such a beast. They have had at least one of these dogs for as far back as I can remember and have recently added a second. The same neighbors allow their elementary aged son to ride a dirt bike down the middle of our busy street just a few years after seeing their good friend critically injured in a three wheeler accident at the end of our driveway. Child neglect is for another post. My late night web surfing on the issue revealed that by law my parents reserve the rights to shoot the dogs if they come back and the neighbors are also responsible for the costs of her medical attention. All of that will be great but it won't bring Precious back and I'm not sure anything short of being able to personally torture them will make Lydia feel any better. After loosing two of her previous cats to car accidents, I can't imagine how sad she is. If you see her around definitely give her some love.... In memory of Precious.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Stolen Blog Wonder

Ok I know this is so stolen (from Christina and Cari) and hope thats acceptable in the blog world but it's definitely the quickest way to share my day.

For today, Monday,September 2, 2008

Outside My Window...darkness and a steady drizzle from the outer bands of Gustav.

I Am Thinking...that I will sleep so good when I finally lay down. Chelsea is currently outnumbered when it comes to ac control and has been freezing at night due to the arctic like temps the rest of us have been bumping the thermostat down to in the late hours of the night after she goes to bed. She'll just have to deal because I stinking love it. The best part- no electric bill! Oh dorm life....

I Am Thankful For...the work I got done in the short hour or so I spent in the library earlier. I must be motivated and work it into my schedule daily. We'll see

From The Kitchen...nothings tonight. Cleaned it earlier and told everyone to find dinner elsewhere. We dined in the cafeteria.

I Am Wearing...some gray capri lounge pants, a very faded pink etbu rec team tee shirt

I Am unit. I find myself constantly jotting down random ideas I get for it throughout the day. I'm pleased with our progress.

I Am Going... to read a bit before bed

I Am Reading...Keys to Teaching Writing. Probably my most enjoyable text book.

I Am Hoping...the weather dries up quickly. Gustav didn't give me a day off work so its time for him to leave now.

I Am Hearing... the weather channel in the background of Randi talking and Sam typing why her hair dye sits. We're trying to be quiet for Chelsea as she has to wake at an hour at which I haven't seen in years and exercise (something else I'm not so familiar with at the moment.)

Around The House (dorm)..... Everything is clean and calm. I realized when the living room was clean this evening that our love seat must be delivered as soon as Gustav moves out and that when I get a few extra bucks I want to find something else cute to adorn our bare stark white walls.

One Of My Favorite Things... moose tracks ice cream that Marcy keeps stashing in her freezer. Even in a house full of kids a bowl of that chocolaty gooey goodness takes me to a place far far away.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... work and school. I absolutely have to finish a lesson plan to turn in on Thursday to be ready to teach the following Thursday. I would really like to rent some movies and relax. We'll see.

The picture I am sharing... a classic from my freshman year at etbu when Hurricane Rita came through (to go with yesterdays post) and we prepared our lawn ornament squirrel (taken from a friends farm house in Tenaha) for the storm.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bring it on!

As I sit and watch Geraldo Rivera's dramatic play by play of the hurricane I thought it was the perfect time to blog a bit. All the preparations for the storm remind me of my freshman year at ETBU when Rita came and brought a day of rain to Marshall. We had a dorm meeting complete with instructions on how to properly tape windows to prevent shattering and where to gather if the weather became too severe for poor old Merle Bruce Hall to handle. The day turned out to be one of the most memorable days of that semester. We woke to no cable tv and found ourselves playing phase 10, listening to the football game on the radio and later watching The Notebook before the weather cleared up and we headed out for the night. It was so much fun to just spend time together. I think deep down none of us would mind being rained in for a day.
I was so relieved leaving class earlier after Kristen, Kelli, Traci and I have the topics and schedule for our the unit we're writing all lined out which means we can start getting activities together. I was frustrated last week that there seemed to be so much work ahead of me but no way to start it. With everything is perspective now I feel much better about the whole situation. Maybe by the end of this project Kristen and I will get Kelli and Traci on here blogging their blessings and frustrations out for the whole world to enjoy!