Yay Summer!!
My summer started off in a rush as school ended and I headed to South Texas with Mom and Lydia. We've made a habit of sister/mom trips the past few years and they really are great fun.
We hung out around the river walk, did some shopping, ate goooood food but the biggest part of the trip was going to Schlitterbahn. We love water parks!
Mom and Lydia are big slide riders. I am too typically but on this trip I loved the tube river rides and laying out by the pools, because I'm the ultimate people watcher. Laying by the pool was where the thought for this post came about.
Here are a few random thoughts and questions from my lounge chair at Schlitterbahn:
Where is that mans wife and does she know he is wearing those goggles?
Roasted corn? Yes please.
Does the lady standing in the wading pool watching her kids play realize she's getting a little carried away with the dancing to Single Ladies?
That man does not need that turkey leg or ice cream cone!
More stairs?!
Hey! There's that guy again and his wife.... and he's still wearing the goggles!
And lastly, one more vacation observation that actually occurred at The Alamo:
Does the leash you have on your child really do any good when he's running so fast from you that you can't catch it?
Happy Vacationing!
PS: If you look to the right you will see a new widget that is the link to my "community." If you have no idea what Blog Frog is you should check it out. Tons of links to great blogs and discussions. If you're here because you came across me on Blog Frog, I'm glad you clicked over and hope you come back!
PPS: My in real life friend and blog friend Christina is probably the most educated person I know when it comes to food and she started a new blog just for that! Here is the link. I checked it out today and I know she'll have some great things on there!
1 year ago
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