After a week at the beach with the Trueloves, we're all back home and real life has returned. Actually, it's returned for most of us, but there are some changes in store for Walt. This morning we've started a little potty training. I read Mckmamas potty training tips this morning and she suggested not putting any bottoms on them at all but considering I have 4 other kids here I can't watch him close enough to make sure he doesn't go on the floor in his room and I never know. For that reason, he's wearing training underwear so I'll know if he's gone. So far nothing. We'll see how things go. I feel like this might be the very beginning of a long process.
*Update: While I was typing this I heard the girls screaming and went in to find he went in the toy room. I have the timer set for 20 minutes at which time we'll sit on the potty again. Oh what a day this is going to be.
In other news, I'm a litte too young to be a die hard Michael Jackson fan but I love celeb gossip so I've been stuck on TMZ all week. Mom and I were talking yesterday about how our society hurts celebrities by putting them in a fish bowl (and I'm guilty of playing into every bit of it.) MJ started so young and was famous his whole life to the point that he couldn't have been normal if he had wanted to. It's a shame that being a person of noticed talent can result in such a sad and tragic life and even sadder that there are three kids left behind.
I can't believe that July 4 is this weekend. Our family from Abilene is coming in and we're having a gathering at my uncles house. I'm looking forward to a laid back weekend with them. I would love to go to the fireworks in Shreveport. The traffic is crazy I'm sure so I don't know if we'll attempt it but I think it would be tons of fun.
Last but not least, can you believe whos birthday was on Friday?