Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Stolen Blog Wonder

Ok I know this is so stolen (from Christina and Cari) and hope thats acceptable in the blog world but it's definitely the quickest way to share my day.

For today, Monday,September 2, 2008

Outside My Window...darkness and a steady drizzle from the outer bands of Gustav.

I Am Thinking...that I will sleep so good when I finally lay down. Chelsea is currently outnumbered when it comes to ac control and has been freezing at night due to the arctic like temps the rest of us have been bumping the thermostat down to in the late hours of the night after she goes to bed. She'll just have to deal because I stinking love it. The best part- no electric bill! Oh dorm life....

I Am Thankful For...the work I got done in the short hour or so I spent in the library earlier. I must be motivated and work it into my schedule daily. We'll see

From The Kitchen...nothings tonight. Cleaned it earlier and told everyone to find dinner elsewhere. We dined in the cafeteria.

I Am Wearing...some gray capri lounge pants, a very faded pink etbu rec team tee shirt

I Am Creating...my unit. I find myself constantly jotting down random ideas I get for it throughout the day. I'm pleased with our progress.

I Am Going... to read a bit before bed

I Am Reading...Keys to Teaching Writing. Probably my most enjoyable text book.

I Am Hoping...the weather dries up quickly. Gustav didn't give me a day off work so its time for him to leave now.

I Am Hearing... the weather channel in the background of Randi talking and Sam typing why her hair dye sits. We're trying to be quiet for Chelsea as she has to wake at an hour at which I haven't seen in years and exercise (something else I'm not so familiar with at the moment.)

Around The House (dorm)..... Everything is clean and calm. I realized when the living room was clean this evening that our love seat must be delivered as soon as Gustav moves out and that when I get a few extra bucks I want to find something else cute to adorn our bare stark white walls.

One Of My Favorite Things... moose tracks ice cream that Marcy keeps stashing in her freezer. Even in a house full of kids a bowl of that chocolaty gooey goodness takes me to a place far far away.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... work and school. I absolutely have to finish a lesson plan to turn in on Thursday to be ready to teach the following Thursday. I would really like to rent some movies and relax. We'll see.

The picture I am sharing... a classic from my freshman year at etbu when Hurricane Rita came through (to go with yesterdays post) and we prepared our lawn ornament squirrel (taken from a friends farm house in Tenaha) for the storm.