Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Poet Who Didn't Know It

So some of you have had the pleasure of hearing me discuss the sleeplessness that is plagued my bed this week. I don't know if it's the cold/allergies I've had, the stress that is building up as I fight to finish everything that needs to be turned in before Thanksgiving while trying not to ditch my friends, or if it's just the Diet Coke I've been consuming more so than usual. Whatever it is has got to go. I never have trouble sleeping and more times than not actually have trouble staying awake so this is totally new to me. In this wee hours of this morning as I lay here bright eyed in the darkness of my room I decided to try to tackle the poetry assignment that has to be turned in Friday morning. I am definitely not a poet so with the use of a few handy teacher websites and sites for kids poetry had me rolling. I'll have to say that when I did finally start getting sleepy I fought putting my computer up and thought ok just one more. Here's a few of them. Keep in mind that I pretty much just took the works of children, some more talented writers than I, and adapted them to fit me. It was pretty fun but I think that blogging is a better expression of my feelings for now so don't get used to this. By the way, I slept amazingly well from about 5:00 am until about 10:00. Maybe poetry is the key to insomnia. Ok here ya go:


Pink is feeling girly

Pink is strawberry limeade

Pink is a song that makes you dance in your room all alone

Pink is a new scarf on sale for $1

Pink is the perfect hair day

Pink is an outfit so great you don’t want to take it off

Pink is a new baby

Pink is laughing with friends over lunch

Pink is feeling accomplished

Pink is wearing a pair of heels all day long

Pink is a text message that makes you smile

Pink is a preschooler’s giggle

Pink is being me

I Can’t Sleep

It’s 5:00 AM and I can’t sleep

I see no point in counting sheep

For what’s the point in laying there

When thoughts in poetry I could share

There was a teacher from Texas

Who dreamed of a brand new Lexus

She opened her check

And said what the heck

Then went and ate tex-mexas


Christina said...

I vote for dropping the diet coke habbit!

Love the last poem! I read it to the whole family and they laughed.

Lauren said...

too cute LeeAnn.... i should share some of my poems too lol